Rental Property Investment Calculator
A very powerful tool for investors in the real estate industry trying to calculate profitability on potential property. Many investors don’t truly calculate the costs for their investment and this program attempts to close the gap of financial guessing from reality.
Home Tab – Category headers include Investment, mortgage, Expenses, Income and Profitability at 10 years.
Chart Equity Tab – Illustrated visually the crossover point into breakeven based on data input from Home tab for income and expenses.
Chart When Profitable Tab – – Illustrated visually the crossover point into profitability based on appreciation, net return of profits. Bottom chart shows how many months until profitability.
Amortization Tab – view the math behind the formula results to see how each month tracks.
Depreciation Calculator
Modified Account Cost Recovery System MACRS is the method used for this handy calculator for all those needing to estimate how an asset depreciates over time.
Basis – is the dollar starting point
Depreciating Method – DB-SL is for Declining Balance Single Line
Convention – Time period
Self-Explanatory single page workbook.
Credit and Loan Payoff Calculator
Input Tab – Debt can be good or bad but high interest debt is almost always bad. Use the free Asset Planet calculator to itemize all your debt and help identify those that should be paid off first.
Top section of the worksheet establishes the math behind paying off a debt based on time, loan amount and rate. You can choose to payoff the highest rate card first or lowest rate in the drop choice for Payoff strategy.
The bottom section of the worksheet is for listing all your debt and terms.
Schedule Tab – For those who like to see the data results this page will show the schedule payoffs for each debt based on Input choices made on the first tab.